About Thentic Growth

Thentic is just a play on the word “Authentic” while growth is straightforward. My heart is to inspire others to transform into the you of God’s promises. We can grow into our authentic selves and learn more about ourselves each and everyday. As we grow, we hopefully understand that everyone is a work in progress, but the hope we have in God will keep us motivated to keep pressing forward to be better than we were yesterday.

You’ll see all kinds of things on this blog that I have learned, am learning, and what I have not learned yet. It may be practical, common sense to some, or even difficult to grasp, but I want to come from a place of relatability. I have always struggled with the idea of perfection and understanding that I’ll never reach it, but battling with society’s unspoken and unrealistic expectation of me to be perfect. Have you ever felt that way?

Writing my thoughts down and sharing experiences I have had or am having, maybe someone faced something similar and can share how they worked through it, or how they are growing through it. I want this blog to be an authentic journey of learning, growing, and transforming. There is always room for growth. Let’s grow together!

Let your today be better than your yesterday and your tomorrow be better than your today.