Visible Miracles and Imperceptible Miracles: Celebrate One, the Other, or Both?
Miracles are happening everyday. Some obvious and some not so obvious, but is one better than the other? Do we place value on one more than the other? Why can’t both the seen and unseen be celebrated?

Don't Forget to Celebrate Even the Small Things
Celebrating small wins can cause feelings of happiness, joy, excitement, pride, all of the positive feelings. This helps with motivation and encouragement and just to keep going.

Exposing Your Temple to the Enemy
Look at what areas you’re exposing to the enemy. Your eyes, mouth, hands, ears, nose? Do the clothes you wear honor the Holy Spirit? The places you go, things you do, etc., is it your why? Or is it to please your flesh? How could you be leaving the enemy open to attacking you?

Can We Be Honest? I Don’t Always Feel Hopeful
Have you ever had a moment where you struggled to hope? We’re only human. I have to be real and admit that some days it’s just not a good day. Something happened at work or in my family or even with my health and it just set me back. I had to come up with some practical steps that aren’t complicated or self-loathing, but are opportunities to extend grace to myself for what I may be going through.

Free Indeed
Why is it that we claim to be free, but don’t truly show it in how we live out our lives? Free to live in faith and put all of our trust into God through His son Jesus. We have a new life in Christ and we are no longer bound by sin. We are loved as we are and don’t have to prove our love to God as we do with humans, or earn God’s affections.

Setting Goals to Reach Dreams
Setting goals can steer you towards your dreams and help you identify what you want in life. Having this huge dream can seem overwhelming and almost unreachable if we only see the final result, but not how we get there. Goals, the big and the small ones, can be steps to a happier life and the way we set them can make a difference to achieving them. Let's be practical and set reachable goals to achieve our dreams.

Keep Dreaming
Your dreams can propel you and motivate you to take action. You have this idea that seems bigger than yourself that can potentially change your life or the life of someone else. As you’re achieving and taking steps to your dream, you may discover more things along the way.

Five (5) Ways to Study the Bible
The Bible has so many interesting things going on. The way I approached studying the Bible allowed me to open myself up to hearing from God and even desire more of God’s Word. I want to offer five (5) of the ways to study the Bible that helped me progress in my faith and shift how I viewed reading the Bible.

Five (5) Themes Introduced in the First Few Chapters of Genesis
There are so many amazing things in just the first three (3) chapters of Genesis that really set the tone for God’s standards we see constantly emphasized throughout the Bible. Having Genesis be the first book of the Bible is obviously intentional by God. Let’s explore some of the principles God calls for us to follow.

Welcome to Thentic Growth!
For my first blog post, I thought it would be good to give some insight as to how the name came about for the blog and hopefully set a good foundation. Seeing where you start out to where you end up can showcase how you have evolved over time and even lead to expanding beyond my initial goals for this blog.