Free Indeed
John 8:36 in the NKJV says “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
The focus word is free which by definition means “not under the control or in the power of another; without cost or payment; release from captivity or slavery.”
I want to look at over translations of this verse and a keyword that I want you to see the definition of:
[NLT] - So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.
Truly: in fact, or without doubt; to the fullest degree; absolutely or completely; unquestionably; undeniably
[ESV] - So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Indeed: used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested; certainly; assuredly, without a doubt; of course; used to emphasize a description
[AMP] - So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.
Unquestionably: in a way that cannot be disputed or doubted; without question; beyond doubt or dispute
[MSG] - …So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through….
Through and through: in every aspect; thoroughly or completely; absolutely, wholly, fully, unconditionally
Do we actually know that we are free? Free to live in faith and put all of our trust into God through His son Jesus. We have a new life in Christ and we are no longer bound by sin. We are loved as we are and don’t have to prove our love to God as we do with humans, or earn God’s affections. He just loves us unconditionally.
Can you say that you are walking in freedom? If not, what is holding you back?
“So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.”