Can We Be Honest? I Don’t Always Feel Hopeful
Now this whole blog is supposed to be about hope being around us and now I’m admitting that I don’t always feel hopeful? Well it’s true! I have to be honest! I’m only human. I have to be real and admit that some days it’s just not a good day. Something happened at work or in my family or even with my health and it just set me back. It gets even worse when it’s one thing after another coupled with not spending time like I should with God.
No way am I full of hope at that point! As I mature and explore more of myself through learning who God is, I had to come up with some practical steps that aren’t complicated or self-loathing, but are opportunities to extend grace to myself for what I may be going through:
Step 1: Be honest with God about how you’re feeling
You have to be real in any relationship. If you’re feeling a certain way towards someone, tell them (in a loving way of course). Tell God how you really feel. Don’t be rude, but be transparent even though He already knows. Communication is important and even voicing how you feel can help you be honest with yourself.
Be real with him and prepare your heart to hear what He has to say to you in response.
Step 2: Give God the glory anyway
I just said that I wasn’t feeling hopeful. Now I need to give God that glory when I’m not feeling hopeful? Yes! I used to think it was rude to give Him praise when I’m in a terrible mood or just don’t feel like it because He is worthy of so much more than that, but God is still God no matter what mood you’re in. He is still the author and creator of the universe. He is still worthy of all praise and worthy of all worship. During worship and praising Him you may even realize that he is the cure for your situation.
When you focus on God and who he is, your perspective shifts even if the situation doesn't change.
Step 3: Remind God of His promises
Psalm 22 is the prophetic fulfillment through Jesus Christ. Reminding God of His promises is not only an act of faith, but it helps us remember the faithfulness of God’s character. Jesus is that constant reminder of God’s promise. He endured separation from God so that we don’t have to and that’s hope right there.
Have you ever had a moment where you struggled to hope? Whether it's to hope for better, hope for more, or hope for tomorrow.