Welcome to Thentic Growth!
For my first blog post I thought it would be good to give some insight as to how the name came about for the blog. Hopefully, this can set a good foundation going forward, and lead to expanding beyond my initial goals for this blog.
I'm not a writer or as creative as people who are natural at it (in my opinion). In fact, I am an introverted engineer that would rather spend time working on puzzles and napping than to exercise the creative part of my brain. Starting a blog wasn't even an idea I thought was possible for me, but I feel like I just wanted to talk about so much and never really knew how to say it.
Normally, I'm such a task-oriented, structured, by-the-book person that it's a struggle to even "dream" sometimes or imagine possibilities. Usually with work, I can think of an end goal and then make a plan to reach that goal. With imagining something, I can't apply that same process and that just baffles me.
Why a blog?
This blog I want to be sort of an outlet for me. To essentially put my thoughts on “paper” in order to really express how I got where I am and where I'm still going. I would not be where I am without Jesus Christ. The moment I truly put my hope and my faith in Him, even the most difficult and hardest times seem somewhat bearable. Now this isn't about to be a Bible thumping ideology that seems to be prevalent in society. It's more about transforming into a better version of yourself and how that doesn’t have to be traumatic. It may be uncomfortable, but it will be worth it.
My ultimate hope for this blog is to be a vessel to share how I go about developing better habits, how I treat myself better, and how I try to understand myself better. That could be through food, exercise, quality time with God, who knows! Don't expect perfection from me, but hopefully you can see me grow in multiple areas. Maybe we can even grow together!
Thank you ultimately for even just taking a look. Hopefully, you can be inspired to do your own version of growing!
“The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;”