Five (5) Themes Introduced in the First Few Chapters of Genesis

Okay. Have you sat down and READ the book of Genesis? Like the very first book in the Bible, first book in the Old Testament? The beginning (Literally means “In the Beginning”)? There are so many amazing things in just the first three (3) chapters of Genesis that really set the tone for a lot of themes we see throughout the Bible. Having Genesis be the first book of the Bible and the origin of some of God’s standards is obviously intentional by God. As I sat there studying, it was fascinating how many things I either didn’t focus on enough, I clearly needed to mature more in, or it just wasn’t the season for me to receive this revelation.

I want to highlight three (3) themes that stood out for me and by no means are these the only ones. Reminder, this is only from Genesis 1-3. Imagine what’s in the other chapters….

Five (5) Themes From the First Few Chapters of Genesis:

  1. God always existed. The Trinity always existed (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)

    • God is creator and not a product of creation. Based on the framing of the Bible, the world did not just create itself. It did not just all of a sudden exist. It was created by God and by that definition, God is eternal, has always existed, and has always been.

    • Because the Trinity always existed, they fellowshipped together and operated in their roles together. This also sets the stage for the next theme. If God does something it is also to show that we should do the same considering we are made in His image.

    • Reference scriptures:

      • Genesis 1:2 [ESV] – “And the Spirit of God was hovering …”

      • Genesis 1:26 [ESV] – “our”, “us” – plural pronouns in 1st person

      • Genesis 3:15 [ESV] – “he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel” – Son (Jesus) and promise of salvation

  2. Relationships are important.

    • The Biblical community was established by God in the beginning. Healthy relationships are emphasized by the Bible in later scriptures as well (like Matthew 22:37-40, Romans 12:18, 1Thessalonians 5:11, and 1 Peter 4:8). Relationships can be seasonal, familial, intimate, and everything in-between. Some are meant to teach you something, some are meant to guide you into another season, or some should not have been initiated at all. The most important relationship is the personal one with God.

    • Reference scriptures:

      • Genesis 2:18 [NIV] – “It is not good for the man to be alone.”

      • Genesis 3:8 – God walking in the Garden of Eden insinuates that He did that often. He came on a personal level to fellowship with man.

  3. Boundaries are necessary.

    • There were multiple ways that boundaries were presented in Genesis such as the role of each individual in the Trinity, but I was drawn to Adam being told to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There was a choice Adam could make and free will that Adam had, but out of obedience and love of God, Adam could choose to respect and honor this command God set.

    • With the boundary God set, He explained the consequences of it. Boundaries should not just be seen as a way to be overbearing or controlling, but can be to protect either someone else or even yourself.

    • Reference scriptures:

      • Genesis 2:17

  4. Placement, vision, and purpose are established by God.

    • God prepared the Garden of Eden and then placed Adam. There is an expectation from God that wherever He has placed you, you are to work in the purpose He has called you to. Everyone has a purpose, whether they are aware of it or not.

    • Reference scriptures:

      • Genesis 2:8 – He “put” man in the Garden of Eden

      • Genesis 2:15 – Man is to “tend” to the Garden of Eden

  5. God will bring two(2) people together.

    • This can tie into the biblical community theme as well with God bringing people into your life that can pour into you and help you grow. This also follows the purpose theme in which Man was operating in purpose before God brought woman to him. The plan/vision that God gave to Adam is then shared with Eve and they work together to accomplish it.

    • Reference scriptures:

      • Genesis 2:18 [NKJV] – “I will make him a helper comparable to him.“

      • Genesis 2:22 [NKJV] – He “brought” woman to man

What did you find when reading? There are so many more things we can find so let me know what stood out for you!


Five (5) Ways to Study the Bible


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