Setting Goals to Reach Dreams

Setting Goals to Reach Dreams

Setting goals can steer you towards your dreams and help you identify what you want in life. Having this huge dream can seem overwhelming and almost unreachable if we only see the final result, but not how we get there. Goals, the big and the small ones, can be steps to a happier life and the way we set them can make a difference to achieving them. Let's be practical and set reachable goals to achieve our dreams.

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Five (5) Themes Introduced in the First Few Chapters of Genesis
Bible Talk, Old Testament, Lists, Intentionality Nicole Harris Bible Talk, Old Testament, Lists, Intentionality Nicole Harris

Five (5) Themes Introduced in the First Few Chapters of Genesis

There are so many amazing things in just the first three (3) chapters of Genesis that really set the tone for God’s standards we see constantly emphasized throughout the Bible. Having Genesis be the first book of the Bible is obviously intentional by God. Let’s explore some of the principles God calls for us to follow.

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